Why Dental Sedation Is Safe for Your Child

Why Dental Sedation Is Safe for Your Child

Is dental sedation safe for your child? That’s easy: yes, it is. The child will not be rendered fully unconscious and there will be no long-lasting effects. Also, it lets your child get the dental correction procedure they need without any pain. However, we know...
Flossing for Kids: A Complete Guide

Flossing for Kids: A Complete Guide

Let’s make one thing clear: everyone should be flossing. Yet about one-third of Americans don’t floss their teeth. Ignoring proper dental hygiene leads to long-term oral concerns. As a parent, it’s essential to not only floss but to also teach your...
A Parent’s Guide to Make Brushing Teeth Fun

A Parent’s Guide to Make Brushing Teeth Fun

Do your kids hate brushing their teeth? If the answer is yes, you’re not alone. Most parents are all too familiar with the bedtime battle over dental hygiene.  It’s hard to reason with children about their brushing habits. They don’t understand why...